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First Congregational Church of Lee.jpg
Annual Convention 2025
Join us to kick off a Year of Action!

Berkshire Interfaith Organizing invites you to gather with us on February 2nd at our Annual Convention - a time to set the agenda for 2025. BIO is planning for a Year of Action - starting with Housing and Transportation issues. We want to hear from our member congregations and individuals about what matters to you. Please join us and make your voice heard!

Time: Feb. 2nd, 3-5PM

Location: First Congregational Church of Lee, 25 Park Place, Lee, MA

Parking: In front of church, with many additional spaces downtown

Light refreshments will be available throughout.

As with each convention, we will take care of some essential “business”: electing officers and approving our budget. Additionally, we will hear powerful testimony on the impact of our work, share important updates about opportunities to join county and statewide efforts for justice, and imagine together what we can achieve through organizing in 2025.
MICAH - Virtual Celebration

The Judeo/Christian prophet reminds us in Micah 6:8. God wants us to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God

From local faith community outreach actions to countywide collaborations through BIO, community organizing helps us answer the call of MICAH, building power, by working together, to make the changes needed in our county. 

Continuing to build relationships within the Latinx community

Building on past successes with the Berkshire Sanctuary Network and Accompaniment program, we are striving to build relationships in the Latinx community to work together to make systemic change. 

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Volunteer Community Car Ride Service Campaign

We're building relationships between those facing transportation challenges and regional power brokers, researching and developing innovative models for statewide transportation, and pushing for their implementation.  

We act towards justice by building relationships within our communities

and across lines of difference, developing our leaders' skills in the public arena,

and taking action on issues of common concern.

"Organizing is a magic, born of materials we all have:
stories, interest in others, being moved to action on behalf of relationships…
all these elements coming together deepens and enriches community."
                          - Martha Congdon, Past BIO President
Why BIO?

Why BIO?

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